by nervouscity

1. This fest will be for writing and art!
2. Junhui ships only. Ships are not limited to only Jun + another, they can be Jun + two others, etc.
3. Jun + non-seventeen others is acceptable.
4. NSFW topics are allowed (and encouraged ˙ᵕ˙).
5. Rarepairs are also highly encouraged!
6. Taboo/dark topics are permitted, except for pedophilia, necrophilia, incest/selfcest, and non-con (cnc is allowed).
7. Creators can also prompt. More information for creators is in the sign-up form.

Please note that this is my first fest. Be patient and kind!

March 18th - April 11th: Prompting and sign-up
April 4th - May 12th: Claiming
April 14th - April 18th:
Continued art prompting (form)
April 18th - April 26th: Continued sign-up (refer to sign-up section)
April 27th - August 3rd: Posting

If you are a creator wanting to sign up, please fill out this form.

Please prompt using this form.